Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Actual Cost of Surveillance in Tokyo 23 Districts

Month surveillance conducted: May 2012
Case: Client wished to locate subject workplace information by surveillance.
Relationship of client and subject: family

1. Subject face photos were provided by client. These were used only for reference because photos were taken about 10 years ago.
2. Living place (apartment unit), gender, age, height and bicycle information were provided to PI.
3. At the time of consultation with PI, client could not decide what time investigation should be started. This was because client did not know subject life style.

Client and PI agreed to conduct pre-surveillance to know possible time that subject left his living place.

1. A PI checks subject bicycle every a few hours.
2. In case subject leaves his living place by foot, PI checks if house door is opened during the work time above.
3. The work was conducted on Monday and Tuesday. However there was no enough information in the 2 day pre-surveillance to collect subject departing time, so client asked PI to continue the work for Wednesday and Thursday.

Work Fee for this pre-surveillance: 10,000 JPY per day, 4 days: 40,000 JPY.
Expenses: Transportation, 4 days: 7,520 JPY , Lodging and Meals, 4 days: 8,640 JPY.

Result: The PI came to know that subject workplace requires uniform clothing. Some uniforms    were hung for dry at balcony. Door was opened very early in the morning. Bicycle was at home.

Surveillance was conducted on one workday by 2 foot operatives.
Result: Workplace information was obtained in our minimum surveillance time: 2 hours.

Work Fee : Site Check for new PI: 5,000 JPY , 2 hours foot surveillance: 26,000 JPY (6,500 JPY per hour by 2 hours by 2 PIs)
 Expenses: Transportation: 2,000 JPY , SD card and shipping: 1,240 JPY

TOTAL AMOUNT CLIENT PAID: 90,400 JPY (or $1,159 USD, when $1USD=78 JPY)

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